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lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


To all National and International Civil Society
To all social movements and organizations that support “Yo soy 132”
To all the election observers
To the media


General report on electoral irregularities and offenses registered by the Citizens Surveillance Committee #YoSoy132

The following report contains official information made public by the #YoSoy132 movement through the Citizens Surveillance Committee as part of a strategy of election coverage. The report describes citizen complaints regarding irregularities and electoral crimes, supported by a legal argument, photo, video and a formal complaint before FEPADE, as it may apply.

All along the election process that culminated July 1st, the #YoSoy132 movement took the streets, gathered information, received and documented a large number of anomalies, electoral crimes and violent events. This was possible thanks to the information the public sent to us through different means such as: citizen complaints portals, the movement websites, social networks, as well as the exceptional work done by the observers in the movement, who personally experienced the violence of the Election Day, the negligence and silence of  the authorities.

Since the beginning of the Election Day we received reports that continue to be submitted all the way until today. The amount and seriousness of these has been growing in a significant way while the election took place and on the following days. So far, we have classified these reports in several categories of persistent and consistent complaints: 1) violent events, 2) electoral crimes, 3) irregularities in the operation of polling stations, 4) threats and intimidation to the citizens who participated observing and monitoring the election.

The methodology established for this task consisted of four different levels, which allowed us to gather eyewitness reports, as well as graphic, audio and video information. All of this information is concentrated in written and audiovisual reports we have in our hands. The procedure was organized in the following categories:

1.      Follow up on citizen complaints through the portal of the organization “Todos contamos” (“We all count”) at their webpage www.contamos.org.mx, as well as other internet sites, pages and citizen monitoring portals, such as Alianza Cívica (Civic Alliance).

2.      Classification of complaints gathered at the movement web sites and social networks. To this end, we set up a selection criterion of the most relevant complaints which, according to the Federal Criminal Code and the COFIPE are considered to be electoral crimes.

3.      Compilation of complaints registered by electoral observers from #YoSoy132, as well as various citizens throughout the country. This process took place following up on interactive communication using the social networks and several information channels created internally by the Surveillance Committee of our movement.

4.      Political monitoring of national, local and regional media, regarding news stories of citizen complaints. To this end, we set up a reviewing and follow-up mechanism for the printed and electronic press, as well as the internet television.

General Report of the Election Coverage #YoSoy132

The following pages detail the percentages and numeric data of the empirical record compiled following the level structure described before. This data refers to the identification of violent acts, technically qualified electoral crimes, irregularities in the operation of polling stations, as well as threats and intimidation to the citizens who participated observing and monitoring the election.

So far we have received over 1100 reports. From that total, up until Tuesday July 3rd we counted 635 citizen complaints, from which 325 report buying of votes, the buying of voter registration cards, photocopies of the registration card and the voter number code; a 131 report irregularities in the operation of the polling stations; a 123 report political propaganda during the electoral ban; and 53 belong to other categories. From the total of systematized data, 96% belong to offences committed by the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), while the rest belong to individuals identified as poll workers and others.

From the 387 reports on irregularities registered by the Contamos (We count) team as part of a shared monitoring strategy along with #YoSoy132, identified exclusively during the Election Day, 167 of these cases (43.25%) were reported in D.F., 76 (19.64%) were reported in Estado de México, 22 (5.68%) were reported in Puebla, 19 (4.91%) were reported in Veracruz, 8 (2.07%) were reported in Chiapas, 6 (1.55%) were reported in Baja California, and 6 (1.55%) in Guanajuato.

Regarding the 151 reports registered up until 16:00 hrs. of July 1st, which represent 39.02% of the total up until July 3rd, most of them are for the buying of votes, the buying of voter registration cards, photocopies of the registration card and the voters number codes, 131 reports (33.85%) are for irregularities in the operation of the polling stations, 74 reports (19.12%) are for political propaganda during the electoral ban, and lastly we have 30 reports (7.75%) for cases that fall into different categories.

The reports registered up until July 3rd recorded the following data:
·         Over 45 videos identifying electoral crimes.
·         More than 600 images where electoral crimes are taking place, such as buying and coercing votes.
·         More than 200 cases of formal citizen complaints, supported by a legal argument, photos, video and formal file before the FEPADE, as it applies.

Political interpretation of the electoral crimes

All along the election process that concluded July 1st, the #YoSoy132 movement took the streets, gathered information, received and documented a large number of anomalies, electoral crimes and violent events. This was possible thanks to the information the public sent to us through different means such as: citizen complaints portals, the movement websites, social networks, as well as the exceptional work done by the observers in the movement, who personally experienced the violence of the Election Day, the negligence and silence of  the authorities.

We have been receiving reports of complaints from the very beginning of the Election Day, all the way until this moment. The amounts and seriousness of these grew significantly while the election was taking place.

As the YoSoy132 movement we celebrate the broad participation, observation and monitoring from the citizens and civil society during the Election Day, nonetheless, the authorities did not ensure the legality, nor did they respond - as they are obliged- to the complaints that took place during the election. They failed to keep up with the magnificent participative expression of the people.

Therefore, we consider that this expression has provided us with sufficient pieces of evidence to say that the Election Day was not free of irregularities, anomalies and that definitely, it didn’t take place in an atmosphere of peace and legality, which are most necessary to guarantee the free, reasoned, and informed right to vote.

Faced with this scenario, tainted by acts of illegality and violence, we express ourselves for the protection, support and solidarity with all of those who courageously took the streets to defend and safeguard democracy.

Index of the general content of the reports sorted by items

1. Irregularities and crimes during the Election Day.
A)    Violent acts
B)    Electoral crimes
C)     Irregularities in the operation of polling stations
D)     Threats and intimidation to election observers.


2. Acts of violence against election observers.
A)    Violent acts
B)    Threats and intimidation to election observers

3. Video evidence record
A)    Buying and coercing votes
B)    Violence during the Election Day
C)     Threats and intimidation to election observers 

4. Photographic evidence record
A)    Irregularities in polling stations
B)    Illegal marking of ballots
C)     Houses of the so called “carruseles”

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